Thursday, January 20, 2011

New developments - preparing for the review panel

After reviewing Marathon PGM's Project description, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) advised the Minister of the Environment, the Hon. Jim Prentice, that the project carried with it significant environmental risks.  The Minister then referred the proposed PGM mine  to a review panel of independent experts. One significant factor in this decision was a letter from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO). The letter can be found here (link to pdf); here is an excerpt:
As requested, DFO has conducted an initial analysis of the potential environmental effects on fish, fish habitat and aquatic species at risk related to the Project. In summary, given the large scale of the Project, the likely impacts to as many as 24 water bodies, and uncertainties with respect to the success of mitigation and compensation for fish habitat impacts, it is DFO’s expert opinion that the Project as proposed in the July 2010 Addendum to the Project Description poses a high risk of potentially significant adverse environmental effects on fish and fish habitat.

As a group, Citizens for a Responsible Mine applied for funding through the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency’s Participant Funding Program. If granted, the funding will be used to hire an independent consultant to review the ‘Terms of Reference’—the guidelines that the panel will need to use to conduct its review of the project.

We are looking for a few people to put together an informative poster about key concerns related to the proposed mine. We have members willing to provide written content and photos. We need someone with good visual presentation skills (digital or conventional) to create an appealing poster that effectively communicates the information to members of the public who see the poster (at the library or the mall etc.). Can you help out? If so, please send us a message.

There is a significant amount of concern all around the Great Lakes about the impact of mining on water quality. For more information, check out this excellent series of articles detailing how economic and environmental concerns associated with metal mining are playing out in other jurisdictions in the upper Great Lakes region.

What questions do you have about the project? Please send them to us and we’ll try to find the answers. Please encourage others to join our Citizens for a Responsible Mine Facebook group so that we can hear from as many people as possible about this project.

The rights to this project were recently purchased by Montana-based Stillwater Mining Company.